If you are an Individual or Voluntary/Community/Statutory Organisation or Service and feel that you know someone who could benefit from ProActive, please fill-in the ProActive Referral Form and email it to ( )
The objective of ProActive is to improve outcomes for young people in Nottingham through raising the educational attainment and reducing the risk of disengagement. The project is based at the Pakistan Centre, in Nottingham and is aimed at 11-16 year old boys and girls from the Pakistani/Kashmiri, Bangladeshi and Asylum Seeker/Refugee communities.
The aim of ProActive is to tackle academic underachievement, disaffection and exclusion through:
- One-to-one mentoring
- Workshops for young people
- Running a supplementary school
- Running self study sessions
- Supporting families
- Holding parenting session
- Capacity building initiatives
- Focus Groups for young people
ProActive provides a targeted information support and advocacy service through partnership working with the:
- Children Services (formally the LEA)
- Local Schools
- Parents and Carers
- Community Groups
- Statutory Services
- The Voluntary Sector
There is clear evidence to suggest that there is a need to focus on the under achievement of the Pakistani/Kashmiri community. There has been a considerable amount of drop in the achievement both at primary and at secondary level education. From the below graph it is clear that the Pakistani community are well below the national average and also there attainment drops considerably from entry level. There is very little difference between Black Caribbean and Pakistani underachievement.
The graph below highlights all people of working age with no qualifications, arranged by ethnic group (2004, GB). It is clearly shown that a grater proportion of Pakistani and Bangladeshi people have no formal qualifications compared to all other ethnic groups. [SOURCE: (Published on 21 February 2006)]